
​Preschool Classes
Our classes are available for children between the ages of 2.5 - 4 years. There are limited spots for children between 24 and 31 months. The program begins early in September and runs until mid to late June. Children are not required to be toilet trained for admission.
There are four options for classes offered:
2 Mornings
Tuesday and Thursday mornings
3 Mornings
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
2 Afternoon (when available)
Tuesday and Thursday
5 Mornings (when available)
Monday through Friday
A Typical Day At Kids Kastle
All families and children are greeted upon arrival. Children are signed in by staff and encouraged to play.
Welcome Meeting
At the beginning of class, we gather together briefly to discuss the date, weather and any important activities and events for the day.
Free Play and Creative Activities
The majority of class time is spent in free play. The children are able to choose from a wide range of activities that include literacy, math, science, dramatic, sensory and creative areas. These spaces are always open and available for the children to explore as they wish. These learning areas are carefully planned and arranged to encourage the children's interests, inquiry, explorations and socialization.
A small snack is offered every class. Two food groups are always offered and water is served. An example of a typical snack is crackers and cucumber slices. Allergies and special food requirements are accommodated.
Gathering Time
A second gathering is held after snack, with either the whole group or 2 smaller groups. Here we engage together with stories, songs, games and other engaging activities such as our monthly show and tell.
Active Play
We end our time together with some active play outdoors (weather permitting). Balls, bikes and other riding or pushing toys are available for the children to choose from. When weather keeps us indoors we may play some active games in the classroom or use the church gym to do some active play indoors.
Pick Up Time
Children are picked up from the playground outside or withing the classroom if we have stayed inside. Staff always ensure an approved adult is picking us the children and sign then out as they leave.