
About Us
What is a Co-op?
A co-operative is a non-profit group of parents and care givers. This allows families a unique opportunity to be involved in your child's first school experience. Co-operatives allow for a larger family involvement than at typical child care settings. Families are asked to attend 4 meetings a year and have a say in things like purchases, trips, events, fundraising and other important issues that impact the school. Parents and care givers are often able to spend some time participating in observation days where they can see first hand the the learning experiences of their children (Police vulnerable sector check required). We value the importance of families and invite our families to share their talents and knowledge with our children. A co-op thrives when families contribute and actively support the program through participation in meetings, joining the board, volunteering to do bingos, run errands or join committees.
Our Philosophy
Kids Kastle's mission is to provide a parent-involved school that is committed to the physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of young children. Our school is a place of discovery, fun and engagement. Our spaces are carefully planned to help each child reach their full potential. We help children develop their independence, self-confidence, curiosity, self-regulation, creativity and social skills in an acceptable and satisfying way.
We believe in LEARNING THROUGH PLAY. Children are encouraged to explore new and various materials in a variety of learning areas throughout the room. New experiences and activities are added and changed on a regular basis. This allows for a variety of learning experiences to be explored in areas such as math, literacy, creative arts and science.
Children are able to play cooperatively and social skills are actively encouraged and modelled by staff.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday February 5th - General Meeting for parents in the gym. Please make an effort to attend. We ask no children attend the meetings.
February 5th & 6th - Wee Wigglers will be visiting for some music and dancing.
February 13th & 14th - Valentines day parties.
February 20th & 21st - Backwards day
February 27th & 28th - Show and tell